Sharing little chunks of my experience as I head out to Ludhiana with the IBM Corporate Service Corps

Sunday, January 12, 2014

"Ensuring Food Security to the Nation"

We have finally received our #ibmcsc india assignments for the four weeks we will be spending on site in Ludhiana. I will be heading out to the prestigious Punjab Agricultural University with two colleagues from Germany and Romania to work on designing a centralized management information system to replace the present paper-based system.

"...our challenge is to feed & clothe"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"A beginning is a very delicate time..."

As the title of this blog suggests, I will soon be heading out to India on a special assignment, and I will be using this blog to share my experience with my family, friends, colleagues and anyone curious about a Westerner's first encounter with India.

In one month's time I should be arriving in New Delhi, that is if I can get my business visa on time :o)

I will try to keep a mix of English and French so everyone gets a chance to understand what I'm chattering about as I go along. I guess the choice of language will greatly depend on what mood I'm in and what I want to talk about... so please don't get annoyed if I don't translate all the entries.

This is my first experience with blogging ("mieux vaut tard que jamais") so bear with me as I discover all the possibilities of Blogger and struggle to share my pictures and recordings. Funny thing, I just realized that up to now I was always writing "bare with me" instead of "bear with me" which does not really convey the same meaning...

Doing my homework - Lectures en cours